Meet the Directors
We are excited to announce that we are opening a School

Lisa Zeggert had a dream as a young lady to have a Christian School of the Arts someday and now her dream is coming true.

Psalm 37:4 says, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart".

Our Christian Based Private School is planned to open 2025/2026

Focus for 2024/25 is on afterschool enrichment and homeschool coop. 

Homeschool Co-op Programs Fall 2024
What is the Homeschool Day Program?


Freedom Connections Academy is now enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year for our homeschool programs. 

  • Homeschool Day Program is Monday through Wednesday 9am-3pm.
  • Afternoon Enrichment Programs are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays 1pm-3pm.
What is the Homeschool Day Program?
  • The day program is designed for children ages 7 to 14.
  • Highly qualified teachers instruct students in language arts, math, science, history, and bible each morning. 
  • Students get a morning break and a lunch break where they can enjoy their packed snacks and lunches and have time to play and/or socialize.
  • Afternoons are spent in enrichment activities that include fitness, music, visual arts, drama, and more.
What is the Afternoon Enrichment Co-op?
  • The afternoon enrichment program is designed for children ages 7 to 18.
  • Students can sign up for one day or two days a week.
  • Students participate in fitness, music, visual arts, and drama classes led by highly qualified instructors.
  • Engaging activities take place in a positive, God-centered environment.
How much do the Homeschool Co-op Programs Cost?
  • Day Program Costs include: 
    • $150 Annual Registration Fee
    • $3250 Fall Semester Tuition
  • Afternoon Enrichment Program Costs include:
    • $50 Annual Registration Fee
    • $100 per student monthly for one day a week
    • $200 per student monthly tuition for two days a week 
Additional Information
  • Fall Programs begin Tuesday, August 27 and end Wednesday December 18.
  • Rejoice Music Therapy is partnering with us for the music instruction!
  • Tuition is due on the 1st of the month September through April
  • Additional minimal expenses may occur on occasion to meet particular needs of a unit (Example: students purchase and bring in their own recorder if doing a recorder unit in music) 
Lisa Zeggert
Director of Education

Lisa Zeggert earned her BA in Music from Mars Hill University in 1987 and Teacher Certification from Lenoir Rhyne University in 1996. Lisa is an accomplished and energetic educator with a solid history of achievement in general music as well as choral and musical theater fields of study. She is a motivated leader with experience and knowledge of content areas and is dedicated to providing a foundation in arts education and instilling a lifelong love of the arts. Lisa has 25-plus years of experience as a Choral Director, Musical Theater Director and Producer, and a Piano, Vocal, and Instrumental Instructor. Lisa also has served as a Church Pianist, Accompanist, Worship Leader, and Director of Family and Youth. Lisa is also the Director of Outreach for Freedom Connections Church. 

Theresa Knight
Director of Operations

Theresa Knight has a Bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Math with Teacher Certification. She started her career as a classroom teacher and has taught grades 2-4. She also obtained a Masters in Business Administration (MBA). She has spent 20+ years leading youth and education programs. She has experience running a small business and owning a Sylvan Learning franchise. Her most recent full-time job was as Campus Operations Director, overseeing all non-academic functions of a campus housing an elementary, middle, and high school. Theresa has a passion for ensuring the next generation is well-educated and grounded in truth.

Welcome to Freedom Connections Academy
Connecting Students with Christ through Academics and the Arts

Freedom Connections Academy will provide biblically grounded education incorporating the arts to further develop its students. This school would offer families a safe, positive environment for their children to build a firm foundation in the truth of God’s word, a solid education in math, reading, language arts, science, and history, and enriching instruction in the creative arts to include: visual arts, drama, music, & movement.

Offering 1st through 8th grades core academic instruction and bible in the mornings and creative arts instruction in the afternoon. Afternoon arts instruction would also be available to homeschool students seeking enrichment in the arts.

It is our Goal to: 

  • Establishing a firm foundation in academics and the truth of God’s Word.
  • Fostering creativity and boosting cognitive abilities through visual arts, music and drama.
  • Attending individual needs with a 16:1 student to teacher ratio for all core subjects.
  • Building and strengthening relationships with Christ in a God-centered environment.
  • Honoring our founding class with 20% off tuition that will remain until student withdraws.


Biblical World View, Strong Academics with Focus on the Arts


Freedom Connections Academy is a private school where students can connect with Christ through academics and the arts. It will be grounded in the truth of the Bible, providing solid academic instruction and creative arts enrichment to students in grades 1-8.


Freedom Connections Academy students will build and strengthen their relationship with Christ. Students will develop a firm foundation in academics and in the truth of God’s word. Students will demonstrate creativity and improve mental abilities through creative arts.

Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions.

Our first day of school is August 26, 2024. Our last day of school is May 22, 2025.

School days are Monday through Thursday from 8:30am to 2:30pm. See the school calendar for the full school schedule for the 2024-2025 school year.

Freedom Connections Academy uses abeka as the main curriculum for core academic subjects. At Freedom Connections Academy, we believe our teachers should be empowered to teach the content according to their experience and expertise and based on what is most effective and engaging with their students. Teachers get ample time for prepping, planning, and evaluating their instruction and student performance so that they can adjust the curriculum accordingly.

Students are in combined grade classes: grades 1 and 2, grades 3 and 4, grades 5 and 6, and grades 7 and 8. We limit spots with the goal of having 15 to 16 students per class. Our max for core academic classes is 18. For our afternoon enrichment classes, there are a few spots opened up to homeschool students. Our enrichment classes will be about 20 students per class. 

We do not require uniforms. We expect that students dress modestly and comfortably and in a manner that encourages them to be alert and focused for instruction. Closed-toed shoes are expected. Sneakers are highly recommended to allow for safe play during recess and fitness time.