Learn more about what we believe 

Statement of Faith

We are part of FCC Ministry, a nondenominational church. We stand with all denominations as an interdenominational ministry with core Christian beliefs. We leave the denomination doctrine and respective teachings back at their churches. We come with many backgrounds from Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Pentacostal, Church of God, Assembly of God, Four Square and the list can go on and on and on and we respect all Christian denominations.

All are welcome but we insist on focusing on these core Christian Beliefs as a part of Freedom Connections.

We all agree that God sent His only begotten Son to save the world.
We believe that God did not send His son to condemn or judge the world but rather reconcile our relationship back with God through Love and Grace.

We believe that:
- The Son of God was born of a virgin
- Jesus suffered under Pontius Pilate
- He was crucified, died and buried
- on the 3rd day, Jesus conquered death through His resurrection
- And He is now seated at the right hand of the Father

We believe the only way to the Father is through Jesus.
We believe that we have been commissioned to fulfill specific objectives as we reach people and accomplish the following only by.
- Love unconditionally
- Never judge
- Bring hope to the hopeless
- Bind up the brokenhearted
- Minister to the needs of a hurting world
- Invite people into a intimate and personal relationship with Jesus
- Encourage joining a local church to be discipled

We use gifts and provisions like food, games, supplies, clothes, etc. as a tool to attract but the ultimate gift is Jesus. 

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